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UMass Boston International Student Success Program

United States

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About UMass Boston International Student Success Program

Country United States

Profile of the University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass Boston)

Location and Surrounding Features:
The University of Massachusetts Boston is situated on a scenic waterfront campus with easy access to downtown Boston. It is located next to several notable sites including the John F. Kennedy Library and Presidential Museum, the Commonwealth Museum, Massachusetts State Archives, and the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate. The university is only a 10-minute subway ride to downtown Boston, with discounted transit passes available for students. There's also a free shuttle bus to and from a major subway station near campus, and many students walk or bike to campus and around town.

UMass Boston is part of the prestigious University of Massachusetts system and is recognized nationally as a model of excellence for urban public universities. It has a student-to-faculty ratio of 16:1, fostering an intimate learning environment. The university is noted for its diverse student body with representation from 136 countries, making it a culturally rich and inclusive community.

Popular Programs:
Students at UMass Boston can pursue a range of undergraduate majors in fields like business, engineering, computer science, and liberal arts. The university also offers English language courses for those looking to improve their language skills.

Campus Life:
Campus life at UMass Boston is vibrant and engaging. Students are encouraged to get involved in one of the 100+ Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) on campus, covering a wide range of interests and hobbies. Some of the existing clubs and organizations include the Asian Student Center, Business and Marketing Club, Information Technology Club, and International English Socializer Club among others. The Office of Student Activities offers discounted tickets to major events and sites of interest around Boston, providing students with ample opportunities to explore the city. There are also various leadership development programs, like the UMass Boston GSSP LEADers and Navigators, aimed at enhancing student leadership skills and community engagement. Additionally, students interested in gaining real-world work experience can pursue on-campus jobs or internship opportunities during their studies at UMass Boston.

Unique Features and Strengths:
- Diverse Student Body: With representation from 136 countries, UMass Boston boasts a culturally diverse and inclusive community.
- Research Excellence: Known for its innovative research, UMass Boston provides students with opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research projects.
- Strategic Location: The strategic location next to significant historic sites and the proximity to downtown Boston enriches the educational experience and provides a historic American city living experience.

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